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    FDM은 즉각적인 효과를 낼 수 있는 근막 치료법입니다.

    Upper quarter

    • Introduction (1h30)

    •  What is Fascia?

    •  FDM History

    • Functions and Subdivisions of Fascia

    • Definition of the Fascial Distortion Model: TB, CD, HTP, FD, TF, CyD

    • Principles of Diagnosis

    • Practice

    • Trigger Band(TB)

    •  Principle of TB

    •  Star TB

      •  Jaw TB, SCM TB

         U/E : Shoulder TB(Anterior, Posterior, Lateral, Medial), E/W/H (Elbow extensor & flexors, Radius, Ulna), Thumb TB
      • Continuum Distortion (CD)

      •  Principle of CD
      •  U/E : Deltoid, Acromion, Scapula, Subscapular, Infra-glenoid tubercle
    • Herniated Trigger Point (HTP)

    •  Principle of HTP
    •  U/E, Cervical, Jaw
    • Folding Distortion (FD)
    •  Principle of FD
    •  U/E : Shoulder refolding, AC & SC joint refolding & unfolding, Shoulder long lever unfolding, Shoulder flexion & adduction unfolding

    • E/W/H (Global refolding & unfolding treatment, Chicken wing, Whip, Intermuscular septum, Variant), cervicothorax, Cervical rotation, Un/Refolding TM joint

      • Tectonic Fixation (TF)

      •  Principle of TF

      •  U/E, Cervical, Jaw

    • Cylinder Distortion (CyD)

    •  Principle of CyD

    •  U/E, Cervical, Jaw

    Lower quarter

    Trigger Band(TB)

    •  L/E : Hip (Lateral, Posterior lateral, Posterior medial upper leg), Knee (Medial & lateral patella, Patella, Medial & lateral)

    •  Spine : Spine TB

    Continuum Distortion (CD)

     L/E : Patellar, Menisco-femoral, Medial & lateral collateral, Popliteal 

    Herniated Trigger Point (HTP)

    •  L/E : Buttock Area(Bull's eye)
    •  Spine : Hernia Lumbalis inferior and superior

    Folding Distortion (FD)

      •  L/E : Hip (Refolding, Foetus technique, Unfolding, Whip),

      •            Knee (Unfolding, Sack carrying technique, Knee level technique, cork screw, Refolding, Fibular unfolding, Frog leg technique)

      •             A/F (Refolding & unfolding, Corkscrew technique)

      •  Spine : Refolding (fetal position, armchair technique), Unfolding (sitting, supine, & supine positioin)

      •         Variant dog tech, Rib PIR Un/Refolding, Unfolding distortion

      • Tectonic Fixation (TF)

      •  L/E, Thoracic, Lumbar
    • Cylinder Distortion (CyD)

         L/E, Thoracic, Lumbar

        ※ NFI (Neurofascial Integration)은 FDM에서 소개되는 교육과정은 아니지만, visceral을 둘러싸는 근막과 extremity의 움직임 관계를 배아(embryo)의 발달에서부터 설명하는 osteopathy의 진화된 개념입니다. 
           NFI에서는 extremity의 움직임 제한을 visceral mobilization technique을 통해 해결하는 방식으로 접근하며, 본 코스에서 일부 소개해 드립니다.

        Upper quarter 

        • Introduction (1h30)

        •  What is Fascia?

        •  FDM History

        • Functions and Subdivisions of Fascia

        • Definition of the Fascial Distortion Model: TB, CD, HTP, FD, TF, CyD

        • Principles of Diagnosis

        • Practice

        • Trigger Band(TB)

        •  Principle of TB

        •  Star TB

          •  Jaw TB, SCM TB

             U/E : Shoulder TB(Anterior, Posterior, Lateral, Medial), E/W/H (Elbow extensor & flexors, Radius, Ulna), Thumb TB
          • Continuum Distortion (CD)

          •  Principle of CD
          •  U/E : Deltoid, Acromion, Scapula, Subscapular, Infra-glenoid tubercle
        • Herniated Trigger Point (HTP)

        •  Principle of HTP
        •  U/E, Cervical, Jaw
        • Folding Distortion (FD)
        •  Principle of FD
        •  U/E : Shoulder refolding, AC & SC joint refolding & unfolding, Shoulder long lever unfolding, Shoulder flexion & adduction unfolding

        •            E/W/H (Global refolding & unfolding treatment, Chicken wing, Whip, Intermuscular septum, Variant), cervicothorax,
                     Cervical rotation, Un/Refolding TM joint

          • Tectonic Fixation (TF)

          •  Principle of TF

          •  U/E, Cervical, Jaw

        • Cylinder Distortion (CyD)

        •  Principle of CyD

        •  U/E, Cervical, Jaw

        Lower quarter 

        Trigger Band(TB)

        •  L/E : Hip (Lateral, Posterior lateral, Posterior medial upper leg), Knee (Medial & lateral patella, Patella, Medial & lateral)

        •  Spine : Spine TB

        Continuum Distortion (CD)

         L/E : Patellar, Menisco-femoral, Medial & lateral collateral, Popliteal 

        Herniated Trigger Point (HTP)

        •  L/E : Buttock Area(Bull's eye)
        •  Spine : Hernia Lumbalis inferior and superior

        Folding Distortion (FD)

          •  L/E : Hip (Refolding, Foetus technique, Unfolding, Whip),

          •            Knee (Unfolding, Sack carrying technique, Knee level technique, cork screw, Refolding, Fibular unfolding, Frog leg technique)

          •             A/F (Refolding & unfolding, Corkscrew technique)

          •  Spine : Refolding (fetal position, armchair technique), Unfolding (sitting, supine, & supine positioin)

          •         Variant dog tech, Rib PIR Un/Refolding, Unfolding distortion

          • Tectonic Fixation (TF)

          •  L/E, Thoracic, Lumbar
        • Cylinder Distortion (CyD)

         L/E, Thoracic, Lumbar

        ※ NFI (Neurofascial Integration)은 FDM에서 소개되는 교육과정은 아니지만, visceral을 둘러싸는 근막과 extremity의 움직임 관계를 배아(embryo)의 발달에서부터 설명하는 osteopathy의 진화된 개념입니다. 
           NFI에서는 extremity의 움직임 제한을 visceral mobilization technique을 통해 해결하는 방식으로 접근하며, 본 코스에서 일부 소개해 드립니다.


        교육 신청 시 참고사항

        전 과정(총 22시간) 수료 시 'FDM Practitioner Certificate'이 지급됩니다


        FDM 교육 일정을 안내해 드립니다.

        September 2023


        FDM 전 과정을 수료하신 practitioner들을 찾아보실 수 있습니다.

        FDM Academy Korea

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        연락 주세요.

        FDM Academy Korea

        FDM 교육에 관해 문의 사항이 있으시면

        FDM Academy Korea가 운영하는 SNS나 이메일로 연락 주세요.

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